Parents Interested in Enrollment Grades 4th-8th
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Hands On
Performance Based
Engaging Learning
Challenge Preparatory Academy's
Virtual "HIPE" Fall Classes
Innovation Academy Virtual "HIPE" Classes 3rd - 8th Graders, has emerged because of COVID-19. Our purpose for designing this program is to support parents and students who have unexpectedly shifted to utilizing technology for virtual learning, rather than just a tool.
Virtual HIPE Fall Classes only
$60 per week & module
or entire 4 weeks & 4 modules $200
(contact us for multi student discount)
Register today! Limited to 10 students per class.
Our fall classes begin March 29, 2021: STEAM, Chemistry, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Cyber Literacy Class (CLIC) w/Coding, Math! Math! Math! & African American Studies
Who: 3rd to 8th Graders
When: 3 Days a Week for 4 Weeks: Includes direct instruction (an Introduction to subject content, Lab Engagement & Performance and Reflection), by a certified teacher.
How: Virtually via Google Classroom & Meet and LearnWorld
STEM HIPE Maze RaceDay 2: HIPE Lab lead by students | Chemistry Class AtomDay 1: Introduction to concepts by teachers | Chemistry Atom ClassDay 3: Performance & Reflection, student and teachers collaborating |
Day 3: Chemistry ClassStudents conduct research as a part of performance &n reflection | I Read, Therefore I AMDay 2: Lab students present their work | Student PerformanceDay 3: Performance and Reflection, I Read Therefore I Am |
Main Idea Day 3Students Performed using Flocabulary Lyric Lab | Flocabulary Lyric LabDay 3: Students Performed using Flocabulary Lyric Lab | Day 3: Lyric LabI Read Therefore I Am Class |
HIPE Camp Google ClassroomEach student participate via Google Classroom's Google Meet | Chemistry: Cell PhoneDay 1: Introduction lead by teacher | Virtual HIPE Class OfferingsSTEAM, Chemistry, Reading & Writing |