Parents Interested in Enrollment , Essay (Questions) Grades 4th to 12th
Call for a tour @ 706-364-0019. We look forward to seeing you!
Click to learn about Enrolling your child

Join us for two 5th & 6th Grades' Open Enrollment Events:
Both events are on Saturday, parents can tour our
facility, attend a Meet & Greet hosted by the principal,
register student(s), and apply for a scholarship.
June 19th- School is Cool Ice Cream Social 1-4 pm
June 26th- Our House, Open House 1-4 pm
Greater Saint John Baptist Church Family Life Facility
1948 Ellis Street, Augusta
You will be able to ask questions about our programs, mission,
vision and goals for students academic growth
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLp_0xDWfrA ).
** 1st parent to complete our registration process will receive a
waiver of the $75.00 Registration Fee **
Send a text "I am Attending" to 706-431-7298
to let us know you will be attending